An emergency loan is a loan that covers your expenses in case of an emergency. There are a few kinds of emergency loans, but they almost always come with very short terms (usually weeks or months) and high interest rates and fees…
5 ways a personal loan could help you save money
Life happens, and sometimes you may encounter an unexpected expense that you can’t afford to pay for from your bank account. Some examples of what might set you back include medical expenses, moving costs, consumer products and home repairs. To fill in the gap, a personal loan might be a good option, especially if you can qualify for one with…
What is a savings account?
People of all ages use savings accounts for a variety of reasons. These accounts are a great place to build up your emergency fund or save up for a shorter-term goal, like a vacation or a home repair.
If you don’t yet have a savings account, here’s everything you need...
6 easy ways to build your business credit and your business
If you’ve just opened your doors, chances are you’re not thinking about borrowing money just yet. But what happens if your business suddenly takes off and you need to expand operations sooner than expected? Will you be able to obtain a loan for your business, or will you have to fund operations using your own money?…
Debt consolidation loan vs. balance transfer credit card
If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to pay down your high-interest credit card debt and your credit score is in good shape, you several have options to consider. Balance transfer credit cards and unsecured personal loans are two of the most popular methods to help you pay down debt and save…
Should you get a loan to fund your startup?
If your experience with startup businesses is mostly based on what you’ve seen in movies, you may think that small business financing is as easy as walking into a bank and having a quick meeting with the manager. If you have a startup, you just need to put a business plan together first.
In reality, banks are reluctant to make new business loans…
A poor credit score affects more than just getting a loan or credit card
It's practically a universal truth: having a low credit score is bad. But what you may not realize is that having a low credit score can have an effect on more than just your finances. It can have far-reaching consequences, including limiting the kind of lifestyle you're able to attain and even weighing...