If you’re looking to start investing but don’t have the time or desire to follow the market closely, fear not. You don’t have to live and breathe the stock market in order to be a successful investor. In fact, thanks to technological advances at online brokerage firms, you can easily set up…
How to get mentally prepared for long-term investing
Whether the stock market is riding a rollercoaster or your investments are sailing smooth, understanding your own risk tolerance is imperative to making and maintaining sound decisions.
Not only can the wrong asset allocation send a portfolio’s trajectory in the completely wrong direction, but it can also keep investors up...
How to buy stocks
For investors looking to grow their portfolios these days, here is a hard truth: You have limited options.
In this extended era of low rates, average interest on savings accounts is close to zero. Fixed income is not much better, with 10-year…
Could gold really double in price? This hedge fund says it’s more likely than ever
For thousands of years, the most popular investment was gold: the prettiest metal you could bend, re-form, bury and reuse endlessly.
And even though investors have many more options nowadays, gold still has its champions…
Should you keep investing with markets at all-time highs?
A note from a dedicated reader inspired today’s article. It’s a question about the stock market and investing at all-time highs. It reads:
“Hey Jesse. So, back in March 2020 you said that you were going to keep on investing despite the major crash. Fair enough, good call!”
Hedging your bet? Everything you need to know about hedge funds
A hedge fund is an investment vehicle in which investors pool their money and purchase certain investments. Hedge funds aim to bring investors greater returns than they get in the stock market, or even with other types of funds. The name came from the fact that investments were often chosen…
8 investing moves to make before summer is over
Though summer only recently kicked off, it’ll be over before we know it, which means the clock is ticking to tackle some important investing moves. Here are a bunch to check off your list before summer comes to an end.
1. Check up on your asset allocation
One of the most important things you can do as an investor is make…