Tag Archives: financial institutions

Is it too late to invest in cryptocurrency?

The cryptocurrency hype seemed nearly unstoppable — until now.

Bitcoin’s price nosedived after the Chinese government said on Tuesday that the country’s financial institutions and payment companies won’t be allowed to provide services related to cryptocurrency transactions. The crypto’s price, which hit an all-time high above $63,000 per coin in April…

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Does your business need a power of attorney?

As a business person, you may have seen the term “durable power of attorney” in several situations. Power of attorney is a strange term because it’s not immediately clear what powers an attorney for the business may have. Some business persons may need a power of attorney while others can get by without one. But which type of business would it benefit the most? Here, we’ll look at what types of power of attorney exist and what…

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What is a robo-adviser?

Robo-advisers have become tremendously popular over the last decade, and rightly so. They automate the investing process for you, making it simple to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets, and they charge much less than a typical financial adviser. So it’s little wonder that many investors have turned to them, and robo-advisers now manage hundreds of billions…

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