If you owe a lot of credit card debt, you probably already know the reasons why you need to pay it down. Paying off your credit card debt can save money and reduce stress. When you add in the fact that less credit card debt might boost your credit scores, it’s easy to see how eliminating your credit card debt is a smart idea…
Credit card statement balance vs. current balance
As you get familiar with your credit cards, you’ll notice that each issuer may have a slightly different method of presenting and even calculating the numbers that are presented to you on both your monthly statement and your online portal. Still, you will likely see one number called the statement balance and one called the current balance…
A poor credit score affects more than just getting a loan or credit card
It's practically a universal truth: having a low credit score is bad. But what you may not realize is that having a low credit score can have an effect on more than just your finances. It can have far-reaching consequences, including limiting the kind of lifestyle you're able to attain and even weighing...
How to save the holidays: more joy, less cash
The holiday season is getting closer — and wallets lighter. Still, there are unpurchased gifts left on your list. Here’s how to come up with presents that will delight recipients without blowing up your budget.
Resist the temptation to throw caution to the wind because you’re just so tired of waiting for 2020 to be over and debt seems overwhelming…
5 ways your credit card info might be stolen and how to prevent it
While the introduction of chip and pin technology made it more difficult for thieves to fraudulently use credit cards for in-person transactions, hackers tend to be endlessly creative when it comes to theft. The reality is, there are plenty of ways thieves can get their hands on your credit card account numbers, which they can easily use to make purchases…
What happens if you go over your credit card limit?
A credit limit is the total amount of money that can be charged to a credit card, whether in the form of purchases, interest charges or fees. Every credit card comes with its own credit limit, and lenders generally determine these limits based on credit scores and other indicators of creditworthiness. Your credit limit might be $500, $1,000, $5,000 or more — but no…
Constructing your credit card payment plan
When applying for a credit card, it’s important to consider how you will make your monthly payments. This determines your credit score and can affect how much your card purchases cost you in the long term. Here’s how you can set up a payment plan that fits your needs…