
How to calculate tax liability for your business

Tax liability is the amount of tax that you owe a particular tax authority. While the most common tax authority is the IRS, small businesses can also have a tax liability for other tax authorities including state and local jurisdictions.

Liabilities represent money that your business owes; therefore, your tax liability is the amount of money that your business owes various…

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The importance of being visible

Being visible is something that people really struggle with. But the reality is that visibility is the only thing that is going to make you stand out from the masses if you believe that your contribution and service will positively impact the broader community. The simple but hard truth is that your business is not unique. Someone is already doing it, and may be even better than you if you compare purely with sales and profits…

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Should I sell or rent my house?

Whatever your reason for moving, figuring out what to do with your current home may not be as simple as listing it. Depending on your financial situation and your local housing market, you may be better off renting it out than selling it, or vice versa.

If you’re caught in the “Should I sell or rent my house?” debate…

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Does your business need a power of attorney?

As a business person, you may have seen the term “durable power of attorney” in several situations. Power of attorney is a strange term because it’s not immediately clear what powers an attorney for the business may have. Some business persons may need a power of attorney while others can get by without one. But which type of business would it benefit the most? Here, we’ll look at what types of power of attorney exist and what…

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What you need to know about bankruptcy

If your debts have become unmanageable and you feel there is no other way out, you may be wondering if bankruptcy is your next best step. While it’s true that nobody wants to leave their financial fate in the hands of the courts, there are times when bankruptcy really is the only solution that can work. Keep reading to learn the basics of bankruptcy, how to file and what…

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