If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to pay down your high-interest credit card debt and your credit score is in good shape, you several have options to consider. Balance transfer credit cards and unsecured personal loans are two of the most popular methods to help you pay down debt and save…
Is your business considered an SMB?
Running a small to midsize business has all sorts of challenges. You constantly struggle with the budget. You’re always wondering if you’re the right size or if you should start hiring. You’re always prioritizing product development. You wonder if your marketing dollars are being well spent.
SMBs can be exciting but frustrating at the same time. How do you…
How and why to automate billing in your small business
The Blueprint is all about finding ways to make your small business run more efficiently. From marketing automation to leveraging AI in accounting, we’re all for welcoming some little robot friends into the lives of busy small business owners.
Billing is likely on your list of tasks you know you have to do but would…
Personal loan vs. personal line of credit: What’s the difference?
Personal loans and personal lines of credit are two ways to borrow money that typically don’t require collateral. However, they’re functionally very different. A personal loan gives you a sum of money upfront and requires fixed monthly payments throughout your loan term. A personal line of credit, on the other hand, lets you withdraw as much cash as you need…
A beginner’s guide to your customer effort score
How much effort do your customers exert to use your products or services? It’s crucial to know the answer to this question if you want to give them an exceptional customer experience. After all, if using your products or services is such a hassle, they will most likely quit doing it…
The power of the paradox mindset
Everyone knows what a Polaroid is. If you’re of a certain age, you might have even owned one of the boxy cameras yourself, snapping pictures of friends and gathering around while the photo developed like magic before your eyes. For younger generations, Polaroid’s retro, blown-out aesthetic became a foundational Instagram filter…
A beginner’s guide to alternative investments
After a volatile 2020 in traditional stock and bond markets, interest in alternative investments is growing.
That said, alternative investments are not for everyone. Access is limited to high-net-worth individuals and entities who are allowed to invest in securities that are not always registered with financial regulators. These...