Yearly Archives: 2020

How doing too much is hurting your business

When Lorri Mealey took over her first restaurant in 1999, it was suffering from a common affliction: The too-big menu. You know the kind — pages upon pages of every type of cuisine under the sun. While the idea of ordering a baked potato with a side of lo mein might seem appealing at first, the problem was that none of the cooks could make the same dish the same way…

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Easy ways to make your business more sustainable

There’s no doubt about it: pollution and waste has become a large problem for the planet for the past few decades, and will only continue to become more of an issue if nothing is done to stop or slow it down. But it’s not all doom and gloom: by now, it’s likely you’ve heard about sustainability: a movement that has been making headlines, but mostly only in people’s personal lives. As the environmental situation becomes…

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Seven key themes from Sibos 2020

Sibos 2020, the world’s largest financial services conference, was held virtually this year from October 5-8. The theme this time was “Driving the evolution of smart finance.” As usual, the conference served as a platform for the global finance community to have stimulating discussions and exchange ideas. Seven key themes for payments jumped out at…


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Five cross-industry payments opportunities in the new normal

Without a doubt, 2020 has been a year of disruption. It remains a challenging time for many, but as life with COVID-19 settles into a more routine experience, merchants are searching for more options to help keep their customers safe, their products available, and the economy moving. Around the world, merchants are responding to the…


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How to calculate tax liability for your business

Tax liability is the amount of tax that you owe a particular tax authority. While the most common tax authority is the IRS, small businesses can also have a tax liability for other tax authorities including state and local jurisdictions.

Liabilities represent money that your business owes; therefore, your tax liability is the amount of money that your business owes various…

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