Tag Archives: starting a business

How much will starting a business really cost you? These are some commonly overlooked expenses

Monthly business applications averaged 430,000 nationwide in November, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This marks the 11th consecutive month of numbers well above the 342,000 in December 2020. While starting a business is exciting, it can also be more challenging than expected. And because about a third of businesses with employees fail...

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The complete, 12-step guide to starting a business

Youtuber Daniel Rose just posted this incredible GoPro video that isn’t his, but we’re sure the owner is just fine with that. Here is Rose’s explanation:

“So this happened.. We decided to go fishing and with the first cast of the night my sisters fishing rod pulls up a GoPro camera! I have made this video public so that it can be shared around so that hopefully the SD card…

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