It may seem old school to whip cash out of your wallet to pay for your purchases. But there are times when good-old greenbacks can actually be a better way to pay than tapping your credit card. While credit can be a quick and convenient way to pay, using cash for many of your...
How to сreate multiple streams of income
Nearly half of all Americans depend on secondary work to get by. This is largely hidden from Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Census Bureau data. According to census data, 7.8% of Americans work more than one job. Having multiple streams of income is rapidly becoming how people…
10 signs your spending is out of control — and how to address it
In our capitalist society, spending is a core aspect of our daily lives. We’re constantly spending on essentials such as food, utilities and transportation. Even when we’re doing nothing at home, the fridge is running, the plumbing is at work and a light is on somewhere…
This is the personality type that’s usually better with money
Personality is defined as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.”
In fact, your personality traits will likely significantly impact the outcomes of your life, either helping or hindering your ability to succeed in various…
6 ways to test out your business idea before spending money to officially start it
When I first had the thought seven years ago of starting a business where strangers could hire me to be their bridesmaid, I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. So before putting any money down, I decided to figure out if people would actually hire a stranger for their wedding day…
13 slick ways to make yourself save more money
Saving money is definitely not as fun as spending money. Before I successfully changed my spending habits, I learned a few tricks to save money even when I didn’t want to. If you are trying to pay off debt or saving for retirement or a vacation, all of these tips will help you...
Do you actually understand why your customers are buying?
Entrepreneurs are having to rely on their “why” now more than ever.
Simon Sinek popularized this use of the term “why” in his 2009 best seller Start with Why. This “why” is what motivates an entrepreneur to work the long hours and make the sacrifices that no one else will. It’s...