Personal loans are borrowed money that can be used for large purchases, debt consolidation, emergency expenses and much more. These loans are paid back in monthly installments over the course of typically two to six years, but it can take longer depending on your circumstances and how…
What you need to know about payday loans
Payday loans are unsecured personal loans that are typically repaid on your next payday. They can be a tempting option to quickly get the cash you need, but more often than not, their hidden fees and high rates can leave you trapped in debt…
What is an emergency loan?
An emergency loan is a loan that covers your expenses in case of an emergency. There are a few kinds of emergency loans, but they almost always come with very short terms (usually weeks or months) and high interest rates and fees…
What is the difference between secured and unsecured debt?
There tends to be an involuntary cringe when we think of debt, but the truth is that not all debt is bad for you. Part of your personal financial responsibility is knowing what is unsecured debt and what is secured debt, the difference between these two debts and when they’re applicable. With this understanding comes better personal financial decisions…
The pros and cons of personal loans
If you need extra cash to pay for home improvements, finance a wedding or consolidate high-interest debt, you might want to consider a personal loan. Used wisely, an unsecured personal loan can fill a void in your budget without risking your home or other assets.
As with other loans, rates for personal loans hinge on your credit…
Should you use personal loans for investing?
Whether you're planning for a large purchase or paying for an unexpected home repair, a personal loan is a helpful tool. Since funds can be used for nearly any purchase, you might be considering using personal loans for investing.
Taking out a personal loan and investing it might seem like...