Saving money can feel like a complicated, daunting task, but it can be much easier when broken down into a few simple money-saving tips to get you started. And you should get started. Too often people put off saving, feeling like they have too much debt and too many expenses and just can’t afford to do it. The truth is, saving any amount of money, no matter…
The boring benefits your employees really want
Free snacks at the office are out–pet insurance is in.
The pandemic, the grim economy, and the stress of remote work have made employees’ physical, mental, and financial well-being more important than ever. At the same time, bosses are trying to meet their…
Do you spend instead of save? Here’s why – and how you can change it
It’s a tale as old as time – you want to save money, but just can’t resist an impulse purchase in the moment even though you know it’s probably not a wise financial decision.
There may be a simple reason why, and it boils down to how you feel about money, according to Eesha Sharma, an associate professor…
Learning to pay yourself first
Exactly what does it mean to pay yourself first? Overall, it means that your top priority should be to put a certain amount of money into your savings and/or investment accounts before you pay your monthly expenses, such as your rent or mortgage payment, car payment, student loan payment and so forth.
This could help you prioritize your financial well-being and help ensure…
4 reasons why it’s time to hire an accountant for your small business
According to the 2019 Onpay Small Business Finance and HR Report, just 30 percent of small business owners work with accountants. That’s not surprising, given how much each dollar counts to a small company.
Doing the accounting yourself certainly saves some money in the short term. That said, it might be worth hiring an outside accountant for your company…
Helping others during the Covid-19 crisis can help your own emotional, financial well-being
As Covid-19 cases continue to rise and businesses struggle to adapt to their new normal, many Americans are stepping up to help people in their communities. From personal gestures to financial contributions, experts say giving back in many ways — big and small — can have a significant impact on...