It may seem old school to whip cash out of your wallet to pay for your purchases. But there are times when good-old greenbacks can actually be a better way to pay than tapping your credit card. While credit can be a quick and convenient way to pay, using cash for many of your...
What to do when you can’t open a bank account
Signing up for a bank account is usually easy. But just as an application for a credit card might not be approved, a bank or credit union could deny an account application.
If this happens to you, be aware that you have other options. However, it’s a good idea to try to learn why the bank made the decision…
Economy eplained: how Does cryptocurrency work – and is it safe?
If you’ve been following the news, you undoubtedly know a few things about Bitcoin right now.
One: It’s a cryptocurrency.
Two: One Bitcoin is worth more than $40,000 in U.S. dollars…
Pros & cons of living cash-only
When it’s time to split the bill at dinner with your friends, most people these days throw down a stack of credit cards. The world at large seems to be moving in the direction of plastic. About 30% of American adults say they don’t use cash at all to buy things in a...
Use these 6 tips to teach your kids lifelong money lessons during the pandemic
Hate talking about money with your kids?
It’s a sticky subject in the best of times. These days, it’s downright scary, as the pandemic rages and the economy tanks.
Many parents are generally reluctant to talk about money with their children…
Digital wallets: A beginner’s guide to how they work
Digital wallets have become increasingly popular over the years — Apple released a digital-first credit card, “just Venmo me” has become a common phrase and you can even ride the subway by simply holding your watch or phone up to the turnstile.