Paying off debt is a huge win, so you might be disappointed to find out that paying off debt can cause a drop in your credit score. While seeing the points drop in your credit score can feel like a loss, understanding why can help you make a plan to bump your score back up. Understand the factors…
Why your small business should use a cash-back card
Whether you have a good year or miss your revenue goals, all entrepreneurs and small business owners want to boost their bottom line. One simple way to do this is by changing the payment method you use for business expenditures.
Choosing a credit card that earns rewards is essential for...
Walking away from debt vs. filing bankruptcy
Walking away from your debt, also known as defaulting, could seem like your best option if you're struggling to keep up with bills. However, walking away from debt won't solve all of your problems; the lender can still try to sue you for the remaining amount or sell the loan to a collection...
Credit card statement balance vs. current balance
Swiping a credit card to pay for everyday things is so easy and so frictionless. Swipe here for a smoothie, swipe there for a new pair of shoes.
When you buy on credit, it’s easy to forget that you’re paying for that item with money that doesn’t belong to you. In essence, it’s almost like taking out a short-term loan to make a purchase. Depending on how long…
Is closing a credit card bad?
If you’re thinking about canceling a credit card, it’s important to know the potential benefits and risks associated with closing a credit account. While closing a credit card can be as simple as contacting your bank and requesting that it closes the card, there are a lot of variables to consider first. You should think about if the card has an outstanding balance, if there…
Should I invest or pay down my debt?
If you are living paycheck to paycheck and have very little money left over you may be in the position of choosing whether to invest and save your extra money or to focus your efforts on paying down debt.
If you can choose only one option, it may...
5 ways your credit card info might be stolen and how to prevent it
While the introduction of chip-and-pin technology made it more difficult for someone to use a stolen credit card for fraudulent transactions in person, hackers tend to be endlessly creative when it comes to theft. The reality is, there are plenty of ways thieves can get their hands on your…