Paying off debt might seem like the most important thing to do for your financial health, but building up a savings buffer is just as critical. That way, when unexpected expenses come up, you’ll have funds set aside — and you won’t fall deeper into debt…
7 ways to practice financial self-care
Self-care isn’t all candle-lit bubble baths and foaming face masks. Those things definitely fall into the self-care category — and are, some would argue, crucially important — but there are many ways to practice self-care, including with your wallet.
According to a new survey from CreditWise, released…
What to do with extra money
Despite the massive economic toll the coronavirus pandemic has wreaked on many people, others may have added some unexpected cash to their bank accounts. According to a Pew Research Center study, about 42% of Americans say they've been spending less money since the start of the pandemic. Decreased spending, tax refunds, relief checks...
Five smart moves to take advantage of extra savings
The coronavirus has upended countless jobs, schools and bank accounts. But while undoubtedly more people are struggling than not, those who are still working may have seen their expenses actually drop, due to canceled travel, limited dining options and more time at home.
If you’ve managed to end up with extra money during the pandemic, here’s…
3 reasons why you should always know the financial health of your business
Entrepreneurs are busy people, and for efficiency’s sake, you need to delegate many tasks that others can do just as well as you can. Outsourcing is cost-efficient, as long as it makes sense — particularly for administrative tasks such as creating graphics, social media posting and other tasks that can be performed just as well...
What are the different types of bank accounts
Bank accounts allow you to save and easily keep track of your money. Some will even earn you more money, in the form of interest.
If you're interested in opening an account, however, you'll have to decide among several different kinds. There are a variety of bank accounts at your...