A business loan is a great way to help your company grow. But what do you do if you have a bad credit score? Luckily, there are steps that you can take to increase the chances of getting approved for small business loans…
Here’s what happens when you make the minimum credit card payment only
Credit card debt is a lot like body weight: It adds up when you’re not paying attention and can be hard to get rid of. Once credit card debt has crept up, your monthly budget may feel too tight to pay more than the monthly minimum payment.
There is no industry-wide interest rate or even…
What happens to your credit score if you close a credit card?
Some people use the same credit cards for years before deciding to upgrade to cards with better terms and offers. If you have credit cards in your collection that you hardly ever swipe, you may be thinking of closing those accounts. After all, the fewer cards you have, the less there...
Can you pay a credit card with a credit card?
Your credit card payment is fast approaching. And this month? You’re freaking out. The problem isn’t just that you’re struggling to pay the total balance — it’s that you can’t even afford to make the minimum required payment.
We all have our own reasons for using a credit card…
Why did my credit score drop after paying off debt?
Paying off debt is a huge win, so you might be disappointed to find out that paying off debt can cause a drop in your credit score. While seeing the points drop in your credit score can feel like a loss, understanding why can help you make a plan to bump your score back up. Understand the factors…
How to clean your credit cards
When we talk about the prevention of spreading germs, there are a few things that immediately come to mind — washing your hands, disinfecting high-touch surfaces and wearing facial coverings. But there are a few everyday items that may not be top of mind when we regularly clean…
Is closing a credit card bad?
If you’re thinking about canceling a credit card, it’s important to know the potential benefits and risks associated with closing a credit account. While closing a credit card can be as simple as contacting your bank and requesting that it closes the card, there are a lot of variables to consider first. You should think about if the card has an outstanding balance, if there…