Category Archives: Marketing

5 questions to ask when creating your ideal customer profile

Getting a leg up on competitors in the B2B world happens at the very beginning of your marketing campaign: when you’re crafting your ideal customer profile. Often referred to in shorthand as the ICP, the ideal customer profile is just a detailed description of the type of company you’re most likely to sell to. It’s a well-rounded, well-thought-out idea of the customer who will benefit the most from the product or service you offer…

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The importance of being visible

Being visible is something that people really struggle with. But the reality is that visibility is the only thing that is going to make you stand out from the masses if you believe that your contribution and service will positively impact the broader community. The simple but hard truth is that your business is not unique. Someone is already doing it, and may be even better than you if you compare purely with sales and profits…

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Should I sell or rent my house?

Whatever your reason for moving, figuring out what to do with your current home may not be as simple as listing it. Depending on your financial situation and your local housing market, you may be better off renting it out than selling it, or vice versa.

If you’re caught in the “Should I sell or rent my house?” debate…

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