Category Archives: Marketing

How to avoid bias in your marketing reporting

It doesn’t matter how much education you’ve had, how much experience you’ve had in your field or how much effort you put into remaining neutral. The reality is, we’re all biased. Cognitive biases are pervasive and innate, affecting the way we see the world, the way we think about things and the decisions we make as business owners and professionals…

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3 strategic shifts that will help your business go from six to seven figures a year

You’ve likely come across a great many business owners’ social media declarations of how they built a seven-figure coaching, consulting or marketing agency. It’s worthwhile, even while regarding such self-promotion with the requisite grain of salt, to recognize its simple inherent and impressive calculus. The term, of course, refers to a company generating...

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Excel tips & tricks to help you manage your business like a pro

Microsoft Excel is an integral business tool. Some people relish the capabilities of Excel, finding it to be a useful tool that allows them to easily manage, report on, and illustrate tables of data. Others, however, find it tedious and are unable to discern what Excel can do for them...

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