Category Archives: Managing Risk

What is driving you to want to build a business?

Creating a new product, service or changing the way in which business is done is a noble path that many embark on, and find more challenging than they expected. Besides financial roadblocks and struggles, there are also emotional ones. Many entrepreneurs are told by peers or friends that this is not the time to start a business, with Covid causing so much uncertainty…

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Real risk vs. perceived risk: 2 factors to grow your business in 2020

Without a doubt, 2020 takes the title of “The Year of Risk.” The dangers of simply going to the grocery store or gathering with friends and family cast a bright spotlight on the concept of risk, our perceptions of it, and its effects on human behavior. Yet I would argue that risk perception — how we perceive and interpret external danger — carries new meaning and implications amid the current crisis. Beyond the sphere of our personal lives…

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