How to make more from your property in the post-Covid travel boom.
The hospitality industry took a hit this past year. As Covid-19 regulations begin to subside, there’s a way to make some extra cash with…
How to make more from your property in the post-Covid travel boom.
The hospitality industry took a hit this past year. As Covid-19 regulations begin to subside, there’s a way to make some extra cash with…
In the early days of the startup journey, securing funding is mission-critical. Five years ago, when my team and I started Capella Space out of a Stanford University garage, we felt the pressure to secure that early capital, too. You need investors so you can fund product development, early marketing…
Here's why creating success criteria can help your company culture become one worth bragging about.
Much has been said and written over the years about how critical values are in creating corporate identity, and importantly, culture. They are the guiding "why" for companies and the promise made to...
You work so hard to build a brand, don’t let a business shortcut destroy it all.
Every business owner I know has worked hard to build a brand and recognizes the critical value of instant brand recognition and leadership. You have done everything to register your brand legally, for example…
What if I told you 99% of all business owners are leaving significant wealth on the table or are at risk of seeing their wealth disappearing due to key mistakes and missed opportunities? Research indicates it’s an unfortunate truth. Even more troubling is that this was the reality even before…
The world has radically changed. Take a look to see if your company needs to change too.
If you are like many of the entrepreneurs I know, you're in the middle of a re-pivot, or are at least thinking about one. Now that the world is Read more
“In early 2020, we found ourselves crippled. Our signature pink paper came from a supplier in Italy, our glassware came from another in China, and all our manufacturing was done at a facility in Los Angeles. Each of these critical partners was shut down at one…