Early in my career, I fell into a trap that plagues many entrepreneurs: I took on every responsibility myself. I was really good and fast, and completing tasks faster instantly resulted in greater immediate short-term profitability. After all, why would I assign a task to a team member to complete…
Is it imposter syndrome, or does your company suck?
Imposter syndrome—that is, when a person doubts their abilities, in spite of their accomplishments—can create a considerable amount of anxiety, fear, and depression, and it can lead to burnout in the workplace. But sometimes, what might be perceived as “imposter syndrome” is actually…
7 ways to boost your business Instagram account
Instagram is one of the most important marketing platforms for brands in 2021. Because user engagement corresponds with a greater reach to your target audience, Instagram engagement should be the center of any growing business’s social media marketing strategy…
Why no-code artificial intelligence can help you and your business thrive
The best AI projects are the ones where people aren’t afraid of messing things up or wasting valuable time reinventing processes.
Even if you’re not familiar with artificial intelligence (AI), you probably know that it’s a hot topic. You might have even seen some of your…
How having entrepreneurial parents refined my own business acumen
My parents were a bit unconventional growing up. To start with, my mom worked. For perspective, in the 1970s, she was the only working mom I knew — none of my friends’ moms had jobs let alone a career. My parents were also small-business owners with a few different irons…
3 things to consider before investing in new technology for your small business
How hard has it been to find or keep skilled workers lately? If you’re like most professionals I talk with, it’s next to impossible. Even if we weren’t contending with a global health crisis, there never seems to be enough people available to get the job done. Now that you need twice as...
How diversity helped bring my company together
Diversity, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, “is the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds, genders, and sexual orientations.”
It is well known that in business, diversity and inclusion are key…