Planning your financial life can sometimes be a lot to handle on your own. If you’re paying off your debt, how much should you invest into your Roth IRA? Should you buy a house or keep renting while you build up some liquidity? While not everyone needs a certified financial planner, they can...
Why did my credit score drop after paying off debt?
Paying off debt is a huge win, so you might be disappointed to find out that paying off debt can cause a drop in your credit score. While seeing the points drop in your credit score can feel like a loss, understanding why can help you make a plan to bump your score back up. Understand the factors…
6 critical considerations before relocating your business to another city
Moving your business to a new city can sound like a desirable prospect at first glance. There might be better opportunities, better living conditions, or perhaps the city may be more aligned with your political and social convictions.
However, the purpose of business is to make a profit in a...
5 ways to achieve financial security
We all have a vision for our financial futures, whether it’s a vacation home on a tropical beach, a completely debt-free (and work-free) retirement, or selling everything to buy a cabin on that cruise ship that travels the world. And while each of our dreams is uniquely personal, they all have one thing in common — they probably aren’t free…
How to clean your credit cards
When we talk about the prevention of spreading germs, there are a few things that immediately come to mind — washing your hands, disinfecting high-touch surfaces and wearing facial coverings. But there are a few everyday items that may not be top of mind when we regularly clean…
10 things in your house to sell instead of donate
If you're planning to move, downsize or you just need to clear the clutter, some of the most common advice from organization experts is to make three piles: keep, donate or sell. But how do you decide between donating or selling? After all, donating is basically boxing up items and dropping...
9 bills you should never put on autopay
We can all use a simpler, more efficient way to manage expenses and save money. Putting your bills on autopay can ensure never forgetting a due date, which minimizes the risk of late fees and dings on your credit report. But although automatic payments can save time and streamline your...