It can be tempting to use a credit card to pay for expenses you usually wouldn’t (or couldn’t) pay for with cash or a debit card. But, whether you’re working to pay off debt or want to stay out of credit card debt, it’s best to avoid using your card for anything you can’t pay off before you begin…
5 areas of your budget you should revisit
The last year presented a host of new financial challenges, even for people with well-stocked savings accounts. For some, the questions were urgent, like how to collect unemployment. Others wondered how to make the most of their stimulus checks or whether they should refinance their homes to take advantage of lower rates…
7 credit card debt mistakes to avoid
There’s really only one way to get out of credit card debt: by paying off the balance. But there are plenty of pitfalls along the way to make the payoff more costly than it needs to be.
If you’re among the consumers who paid off $108 billion...
Do eco-friendly credit cards deliver on their promises?
Being environmentally conscious involves a series of choices that add up over time: the reusable water bottle, the public transit commute, the trip to the consignment store instead of the department store. But how we pay for everything we buy has an impact, too. In recent years, eco-friendly credit cards have emerged as a way to make one more thoughtful choice…
Common money mistakes that could derail your life goals
Don’t think you can retire on modest money? You don’t have to stare down a life sentence of work, you just need to avoid some all-too-common mistakes.
Reading articles and blog posts online you may be tempted to believe that the biggest scourge threatening your financial goals are subscription…
Your business might not actually be profitable. Here’s how to fix it
Launching and running a business can be overwhelming. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks — not to mention, many people start their own business without formal financial training. On the surface, it might look like you’re making plenty of sales, but you might not necessarily be profitable. Here’s how to know if your business is profitable and what to do…
What is the 50/30/20 budget rule?
The 50/30/20 rule is a budgeting strategy where you spend 50 percent of your income on essential needs, 30 percent on wants and 20 percent on savings.
Needs are things you absolutely must have. The 50/30/20 rule says you should spend about half of your take-home pay on these…