Usually, defensive stocks tend to fare better during an economic downturn. These include essential industries, like utilities (water, gas and electric), consumer staples (food, drinks and hygiene products) and health care. Cyclical stocks, on the other hand, have a harder time weathering a recessionary storm, as people stop buying discretionary purchases. Industries that...
Typical households will spend 17% less in the COVID-19 economy
Normally, household budgets don’t change drastically from year to year. The costs of some items may increase while others may drop, and usually the quantities purchased change slowly. Needless to say, these are not ordinary times.
European stocks had their best quarter in five years: Here are the biggest movers
The Euro Stoxx 600 on Tuesday closed out its best quarter since March 2015, having climbed 12.59% since the beginning of April.
Even after that rally, the pan-European blue chip index still closed down 13.35% on the year and ended the first half in correction territory, after the global spread of...
5 Steps on How to Start a Business and Get It to Market, Quick and Lean
You’ve had a great business idea, you’ve already developed your target customer and determined the size of your market, and now you need to figure out how to reach your clients. You need to get there fast — if you drag your feet, you’ll fail to gain momentum while eating up your capital...
Here’s how small-business owners can adapt to the new retail landscape
The COVID-19 pandemic will likely be a defining moment for retailers, changing the way they sell, deliver, and promote products.
A recent study of shopping patterns during the pandemic found that a majority of people (64%) have replaced traditional weekly shopping trips with online ordering. And retailers that...
Fun money lessons for your kids this summer
School may be out for summer, yet you can still find the time to teach your kids about money — and it doesn’t have to be boring.
“Some parents think they need to have the ‘money talk,’ but it’s actually easier and more fun to do it within the context...
7 simple money rules to live by
COVID-19 is a prime example. The pandemic affected many people's jobs, their health and other aspects of their lives. This crisis makes it easy to feel like no amount of planning is ever good enough.
However, there are seven money rules that will help you build a solid financial foundation....