Creating a monthly budget is one of the most basic steps you can take to manage your money and make sure that you stay on track to meet your financial goals. To create a budget, though, you need to have an idea of what your monthly expenses are. You also have to make sure that your expenses don’t exceed your monthly income so that you can pay all your bills…
4 easy-to-implement tips for landing more positive reviews for your business
By taking a more proactive role in your customer engagement process, you will get the reviews that strengthen your brand and drive even more sales.
When it comes to achieving consistent business growth, it can sometimes seem like we have an overwhelming number of marketing options to...
7 ways to grow your business
It’s one thing to start and launch a business. But identifying and optimizing a company’s growth potential is an entirely different matter. And it’s one that many entrepreneurs struggle with as their business takes off and as the business environment and consumer preferences evolve.
Effective Tips to Reduce Your Financial Stress
Financial stress can lead to poor physical health, as well as delayed healthcare. It can also lead to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. These are all because of the challenges that you are constantly trying to overcome when it comes to your finances. In this case, the tips below may prove...
How to create a brand development strategy for your small business
If you want your business to stand out, you need to build your brand. Without clear self-definition, authenticity, and a plan to provide consistent experiences to your audience that further establish your unique brand image, you’ll be forgotten.
With a well-developed brand, though, you set yourself up...
How do venture capitalists get paid?
Venture capital (VC) is one of the premier jobs for recent business school graduates. People will suffer through years of 80-hour weeks in investment banking and, even worse, graduate-level finance courses, just to get an interview with a venture capital fund.
So what attracts the tired masses? The fast-growing…
How much money should I save a month?
We’ve all got dreams. Maybe yours is drinking from a coconut on a beach in Bora Bora during your honeymoon, raising a family in a warm and comfortable home, or biking through the countryside of France as a retiree — blissful and excited for the next phase of your journey.
Maybe you’d just like the ability to afford healthcare. Or you’re stashing…