When applying for a credit card, it’s important to consider how you will make your monthly payments. This determines your credit score and can affect how much your card purchases cost you in the long term. Here’s how you can set up a payment plan that fits your needs…
About: manager
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How to accrue payroll for your small business
With a large tub of ice cream in my lap, I watched The Avengers a few nights ago (I’m rewatching all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in release date order.) I nearly dropped my spoon in excitement when I heard Black Widow mention an accounting concept, the one we’re talking about today…
3 things we did that saved my company from meetings hell
Meeting Acceptance Syndrome. It was an idea I first learned of during a seminal TED talk — one that I think should be required viewing during every new employee orientation at organizations large and small. Almost all of us are guilty of not protecting our schedules and, even worse, not protecting those of our colleagues. A small number of people are…
Why you need to create an emergency fund for your business
If 2020 has taught us nothing else, it’s certainly taught us how important an emergency fund for your business can be. Fires, floods, riots, and a pandemic are just a few of the things that business owners have had to deal with in 2020…
8 weapons to defend your family finances from whatever’s next
A family budget is a delicate thing to balance, even without a pandemic crashing through and jumbling your finances.
In a chaotic year like this, with the country dealing with a recession, ugly unemployment rates, political tensions and new waves of the coronavirus, you’ll need to arm yourself with some...
5 ways your business can benefit from a virtual office
The term “virtual office” might have sounded strange a few years ago, but today the concept is fairly standard. A company may not have a fixed address but still function as a provider of goods and services. Because of the rise of telecommuting and remote working, there’s less need for a business to operate from a traditional brick-and-mortar location…
4 ways to successfully build a bootstrapped business
Many aspiring entrepreneurs think the key to growing a successful company is linked to the ability to secure investor funding. For some businesses this may be true, but many successful companies have been built from the ground up with no outside investment or support, aka bootstrapping. It takes great dedication, strong work ethic, sweat equity and an immense amount of drive to bootstrap a business to success…
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