Have you ever felt you were really, really good at something, then found yourself totally outpaced by someone who was way better? Whether we’re talking sports, school, business or who makes the best apple pie at Thanksgiving, all of us have, at one point, been left in the dust…
How to make the most of your franchise business
There are some real advantages to the system–as long as you follow these steps.
Many people think of starting a business as a completely solo endeavor. They want their brand and vision to come to life. Their picture of success…
4 strategies for pitching company stories that rise above the noise
Entrepreneurs wear many hats — developing company strategy, providing leadership, staying on top of finances and building visibility for their enterprise. While many entrepreneurs are adept when it comes to leadership and finances, creating buzz around their company can…
8 easy ways to slow down when life gets overwhelming
To get the most out of both business and pleasure, it’s important to find ways to slow down. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, it’s in down time that you have a chance to reflect, form new ideas, or just enjoy yourself.
You’ve probably heard stories of people who came up…
6 tips for marketing your small business on Instagram
There are reasons to resent social media — for one, it can be infuriatingly addictive and potentially isolating. But like anything else in today’s social landscape, it’s a two-sided coin.
Social media also fosters connections that would be challenging to make in person, especially between businesses and consumers…
Raise prices at your own risk
Sure, there’s plenty of cover right now: supply chain issues, tight labor and a pandemic. But your customers are not going to forget being gouged.
Weary consumers who are already overwhelmed and angered by the rising prices of everything are starting to realize that it’s no longer…
4 daily strategies for a happier workplace, according to research
The happier your employees, the more productive they will be.
In the bottom-line, results-driven business world, one must ask: Does happiness even matter for those doing the work? Study after study keeps pointing to a resounding yes…