Buying a vehicle is a big investment, so turning to a loan to pay for your car is pretty common. But while financing your car purchase with an auto loan does break up your total vehicle cost into manageable monthly payments, it also means that you end up paying more in interest and fees…
To become a top executive, take control of your personal brand today
In today’s search-engine era, numerous search platforms make it easier than ever to find out all you could ever need to know about products, businesses or even personal information about senior-level executives. At the same time, with so much information out there, it can be easy…
9 bills you should never put on autopay
We can all use a simpler, more efficient way to manage expenses and save money. Putting your bills on autopay can ensure never forgetting a due date, which minimizes the risk of late fees and dings on your credit report. But although automatic payments can save time and streamline your...
Banks can freeze your accounts. Here are 3 reasons why
our bank account may be frozen if your bank suspects fraud or illegal activity, or if they’re complying with a court order due to unpaid debts. The government can also request an account freeze for any unpaid taxes or student loans.
Whatever the reason for the lock-up, finding out your...
3 questions newly-hired leaders should ask to truly understand what their workplace Is like
Ask these questions to quickly reveal your company culture as you enter your new role.
A crucial factor to understand as you enter a new leadership role is your new organization’s culture. Culture is what people and organizations…
6 ways to give money as a gift
A cash gift can make the holidays easier and guarantee your gift will be put to good use.
But how can you give monetary gifts without seeming like you put in minimal effort? Here are some options to help personalize your giving…
How premium pricing can work for small business owners
Whether you sell a good or a service, it’s no secret that pricing is a crucial component to running a business. Not only does the proper pricing of goods affect the amount of money coming into your business, it also affects your ability to target your ideal market. As a result, it’s vitally important...