Some people use the same credit cards for years before deciding to upgrade to cards with better terms and offers. If you have credit cards in your collection that you hardly ever swipe, you may be thinking of closing those accounts. After all, the fewer cards you have, the less there...
How to take your company from good to great in 4 radical steps
The path to transforming your business from an industrial age mindset to a digital age mindset.
Driving lasting change is never easy. Leaders have often planned, tried, and despite small tactical wins, rarely produced outcomes…
Trouble hiring? It’s time to invest in your workplace culture
If you’ve tried to recruit someone into your business over the past several months, you know how difficult it is to find qualified talent. While it’s easy to blame the pandemic for this disruption to the marketplace, this is likely a problem that will continue for at least the next decade…
3 ways your business can be more profitable by being more principled
Changing paradigms in business practices are putting principled ethics above profitability. Come along for the ride or get left behind.
There’s a lot of bad in business.
Many of these bad things can be traced all the way back…
Is social media really that important for your business?
If you’re an entrepreneur with a business of any size, you’re too painfully aware of your digital footprint. You’re made to sweat over the traffic numbers to your site, stare blankly at graphs and charts generated by WordPress or Google that seem to hold the value of your fledgling company…
Should you invest in a bitcoin ETF?
There’s a new way to invest in the world’s largest cryptocurrency — kind of.
ProShares launched its Bitcoin exchange-traded fund last month, the nation’s first ETF linked to the $1.1 trillion cryptocurrency.
The fund, known as the Bitcoin Strategy ETF, doesn’t directly…
6 common mistakes that may be holding your company back from fast growth
If you fall victim to one of these six problems, it may be time for a pivot.
Are you trying to scale your business and struggling to do so? Are you stuck in a holding pattern and wonder if there is room for growth? If so, it may be time for a pivot. For one reason or another, your product…