Walking away from your debt, also known as defaulting, could seem like your best option if you're struggling to keep up with bills. However, walking away from debt won't solve all of your problems; the lender can still try to sue you for the remaining amount or sell the loan to a collection...
Credit card statement balance vs. current balance
Swiping a credit card to pay for everyday things is so easy and so frictionless. Swipe here for a smoothie, swipe there for a new pair of shoes.
When you buy on credit, it’s easy to forget that you’re paying for that item with money that doesn’t belong to you. In essence, it’s almost like taking out a short-term loan to make a purchase. Depending on how long…
The 7 best side hustles for parents
Being a parent is the most rewarding — and hardest — job you’ve ever had, but unfortunately, it doesn’t come with a salary. In fact, having kids causes you to spend a ton of extra money.
To be specific, families spend approximately $12,980 annually…
Myths about budgeting
If you’ve spent any time at all learning about personal finance, you’ve likely heard that you should be creating and following a budget. But for something that seems like common wisdom, far too many people avoid drafting a budget — and usually not for a good reason…
Still working remote? Use marketing automation to stay consistent
Heraclitus said, “There is nothing permanent except change.”
Well, we’ve all witnessed the validity of that claim firsthand. COVID-19 came and changed everything.
But with new things come uncertainties. We all went remote…
Your business plan step by step
The business plan is a written document of about 30 pages that basically includes the objectives of your company, the strategies to achieve them, the organizational structure, the amount of investment you require to finance your project and solutions to solve future problems (both internal…
Why you should make Twitter spaces part of your business strategy
Audio content is all the rage these days.
From podcasting to Clubhouse, many businesses are making it part of their content strategy. However, they aren’t the only options for those looking to become part of the audio space…