When you’re applying for a loan, you might have the option to add a cosigner or co-borrower. One of the biggest differences between a co-borrower and cosigner is that a co-borrower shares ownership of the asset that’s tied to the loan and assumes the responsibility of payments from the start…
How to divorce your client and protect your own interests
It sounds like the exact opposite of everything you thought and read about being an entrepreneur, but yes, sometimes you have to leave your clients behind before a project is completed or you accept a contract extension. It isn’t easy leaving a contract on the table. The reasons most entrepreneurs stay committed to toxic working engagements can be broken…
The secret to growing your small business faster: Go after the big fish
One of the biggest issues almost all small businesses face is how to grow.
It is a subject I have always thought a lot about, but especially over the course of this last year as I spent most of the COVID pandemic writing a new book (“Your Small Business Boom“) about that very subject…
Top investing tips for those who don’t follow the market
If you’re looking to start investing but don’t have the time or desire to follow the market closely, fear not. You don’t have to live and breathe the stock market in order to be a successful investor. In fact, thanks to technological advances at online brokerage firms, you can easily set up…
8 questions you should always ask your customers for actually helpful feedback
Your customers can be an invaluable business resource if you know what to ask.
Happy customers are the key to any successful business. Ensuring a great customer experience requires sales and customer service teams to speak with customers and find out how they feel…
3 ways to battle burnout in your company for good
There are no quick fixes for burnout. Here’s how to make lasting changes to how you operate so employees are more balanced, and less burnt out.
Earlier this year, like so many other companies, my workplace heard loud and clear from our employees that they were feeling…
Why seeking out investors could sabotage your business
One too many episodes of Shark Tank can leave us feeling superhuman when it comes to building a business. You come up with an idea, make a few sales, go after a bunch of people that have money to burn, and the rest will just work itself out… right?
Not exactly. As Jonathan Siegel notes in the book…