If you’re thinking about canceling a credit card, it’s important to know the potential benefits and risks associated with closing a credit account. While closing a credit card can be as simple as contacting your bank and requesting that it closes the card, there are a lot of variables to consider first. You should think about if the card has an outstanding balance, if there…
How to buy stocks
For investors looking to grow their portfolios these days, here is a hard truth: You have limited options.
In this extended era of low rates, average interest on savings accounts is close to zero. Fixed income is not much better, with 10-year…
Why saying ‘no’ can actually help your business or startup
Generally speaking, the word “no” carries a weighty, negative connotation. From an early age, we’re taught that “yes” — its affirming counterpart — is more favorable. This duality is further reinforced when we enter the workforce. Understandably, we want to prove ourselves to peers, management, clients and customers…
Online shopping tricks that could save you hundreds
Make sure you avoid rip-offs and save a bundle with these brilliant online shopping tips.
Earn cashback when you shop
When shopping online, always check whether you can get cashback…
8 ways you’re sabotaging your finances without even knowing it
Managing your money can be confusing, and a lot of people make mistakes along the way. Unfortunately, errors you make now with your finances can take years to recover from, so it’s a good idea to do what you can to avoid them in the first place. Avoiding these pitfalls and establishing…
7 questions to ask yourself before pursuing your next new venture
Before you start a business, ask yourself these questions to find the best match for you.
Most aspiring entrepreneurs I know are just waiting for that unique idea to strike them that will kickstart their new venture, put them in control of their lifestyle, allow them to achieve financial independence…
5 steps to make money with a small online following
It’s a myth that you need weekly viral videos and millions of followers to make money online or succeed in business. To succeed in business, you need a community of fans that you can nurture to a sale. You need to get your future customers to know, like and trust you…