Managing your money can seem difficult. If you work for a company and earn a salary, then there is only so much money to go around. And if you have debt, things can be even more complicated. You might think it’s impossible to get ahead or you’ll never have any money; these thoughts...
Never too early: a parents’ guide to teaching your kids about money
Parents will spend hours teaching young kids their ABCs and 123s. Shouldn’t they also be teaching about nickels, dimes and quarters?
In 2020, a Council for Economic Education survey reported that just 40% of the nation’s high schools include a personal finance requirement to graduate. In addition, a study funded by the National Endowment…
Should I get a financial advisor?
While some experts say a good rule of thumb is to hire an advisor when you can save 20% of your annual income, others recommend obtaining one when your financial situation becomes more complicated, such as when you receive an inheritance from a parent or you want to increase your...
5 ways to help your business recover from pandemic losses
Many small businesses have been resilient in the face of great challenges in the past year. Here's how you can join them.
So many small business owners have worked day and night to reimagine their business during the Covid-19 pandemic. They've gone to great lengths and expense to keep their...
Crypto arbitrage: How it works & trading strategies
Cryptocurrency arbitrage is a strategy in which investors buy crypto on one exchange and then quickly sell it on another exchange for a higher price.
Because any given cryptocurrency might trade at different prices on different exchanges, it’s an opportunity that many investors have seized…
What is ethical investing?
Ethical investing is a strategy wherein you allocate your investment dollars according to your beliefs. For example, if you’re a supporter of environmental causes, you can consciously avoid investing in oil companies or other ecologically damaging businesses. Ethical investing, also known as socially responsible or sustainable investing, has grown in...
How to create more referrals for your business
If you want more clients and peers to reccomend your company to others, follow this simple.
Likely, you know someone that you’re more than happy to refer to other people. In fact, we might even feel some sense of an obligation…